The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is an Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on German stories about the title character Faust. It was written sometime between 1589 and 1592. We filmed it in Canterbury where the play was written by Marlowe. We were lucky to film it in Greyfriar's Chapel in the exact room where 420 years earlier Marlowe studied as a child. This webseries is Mari Lewis's directorial debut. Starring: Mari Lewis, Evie Gorter, Elsa Mills, Dylan Verdenik, Hannah Rose, Alice Higgins, Charlotte Groombridge, Hayden George and Charlie Hewish.
“We wanted to film Doctor Faustus in Canterbury. This was the town where Christopher Marlowe wrote the play in 1589” said Mariana Lewis. Some of the more dramatic scenes were filmed in Greyfriar’s Chapel which some historians suggest was once a school room where Marlowe is believed to have studied as a young schoolboy. Mari, who is currently studying drama at Canterbury Academy, said “It was great to film around Canterbury during the summer. There are so many fantastic and picturesque locations. We were really happy with how the film turned out.” In 2020 Mariana starred in the Amazon Prime series “Changes” which was all filmed in and around Canterbury, United Kingdom. The series was recently awarded Best Cinematography at Apulia Webfest 2021. |